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Lyme Disease Coinfection Symptoms

Co-Infections and Lyme Disease

Babesia and Lymes
While Borrelia might be the underlying infectious agent in Lyme disease, there are other co-infections that may co-exist with Borrelia.

Most commonly these other Lyme Disease co-infections are:

  • Babesia
  • Bartonella
  • Erlichia
  • Rickettsia

Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and Candida are other microbes commonly present (or out of balance) in Lyme disease patients.

Keep in mind that Babesia is a parasite, not a bacteria, so a co-infection with Babesia requires different treatment options.


Lyme Disease Co-Infection Symptoms


Symptoms of Babesia infection include: night sweats, low grade fevers, temperature regulation problems, shortness of breath/ air hunger, capillary angiomas, ear ringing, blurry vision, anxiety, nausea, vivid or violent dreams, hormone imbalance, vasculitis (red skin with white splotches). Jaw/ head/ neck symptoms.


Symptoms of Bartonella infection include: severe joint pain, ice pick headaches, bowel problems, pain/ burning in the soles of feet, rib pain, abdominal pain, CNS symptoms out of proportion to skeletal, OCD behavior/ severe anxiety, straie on skin, subcutaneous nodules, scratches.

Erlichia/ Rickettsia

Symptoms of Erlichia or Rickettsia infection include: knife-like headaches, severe muscle pain, low WBC, rapid onset, neuro symptoms (seizures, shooting pains), tendon pain, right upper quadrant pain.