Do you reach the end of a day and realize you’ve accomplished only a portion of what you set out to do?
Is your cognitive function impaired due to chronic illness, or age-related decline?
Would you like to improve your child’s grades at school or help your ADHD or autistic child reach their full potential?
Would you like to feel better physically?
Do you struggle with insomnia or use sleep medication on a regular basis?
Do you want to feel more at peace and less depressed and anxious?
If you’ve said yes to even one of these questions, you’re in the right place. Our NeurOptimal® brain training system makes personal transformation possible.
Your brain is capable of optimal functioning but when your central nervous system is off kilter, your brain gets stuck in unproductive neural pathways and operates inefficiently.
- memory problems
- poor performance on tasks
- insomnia and other sleep problems
- depression
- anxiety
- difficulty paying attention
- hyperactivity
- addictions
- migraines
- irritability
- feeling stressed and overwhelmed
NeurOptimal Neurofeedback provides a way back from these states, in a gentle, non-invasive manner.
Neurofeedback is a modality that provides the central nervous system with moment-by-moment feedback on how it is functioning. The brain can be trained to use this information to improve mental performance, health, and well-being. It then has the opportunity to reorganize itself and function more effectively. When your brain functions more effectively, you feel more integrated and whole.
During a session, brain wave activity is measured and fed into a very sophisticated computer program. The system measures where the brain wave activity is erratic, and presents that information back to the individual through music, which plays smoothly when the activity is balanced, but contains tiny break when the activity is not optimal. The brain figures out that it is rewarded for healthy, balanced function, and continues to adapt itself to produce that reward. In doing so, it is training itself to produce more balanced brain wave activity.
As with any training effect, this is a process that happens over time. When you go to the gym the first time and lift a weight, your bicep muscle is not necessarily going to be stronger the next day. However, as you repeat that process consistently, the muscle does get stronger, and will be that way even at rest between gym sessions.
So it is with NeurOptimal neurofeedback. Over a series of sessions, the training effect kicks in and the brain learns to be more stable 24/7, not just during the training itself. The individual then lives with the benefit of their central nervous system being restored to a more balanced state.
NeurOptimal neurofeedback stabilizes central nervous system function to reduce anxiety, depression, inattentiveness and hyperactivity, cognitive deficits and memory loss, insomnia and much more.
After training with NeurOptimal many people experience:
- Improved Sleep
- Greater focus and concentration
- Better memory
- Improved academic, athletic, and work performance
- Enhanced creativity
- More confidence
- More positive mood and balanced emotional state
The changes produced by the NeurOptimal neurofeedback system can be subtle and seamless, yet very profound at the same time. They are changes that, in the past, were considered very difficult or even impossible to obtain, let alone obtain naturally and easily. You might notice a difference in the way you react to something, or a difference in how the world seems around you.
The NeurOptimal system is unique, and in my opinion is the most advanced neurofeedback technology available today. What is so special about that system is that it is non-linear. That means that the practitioner does not program the system to upregulate one brainwave frequency while suppressing another one, as is the case with other systems. That would leave a lot of room for negative side effects, practitioner error and inaccuracies in how the therapy is administered.
With NeurOptimal, the system does not need to be “programmed” by the user. Its sophisticated technology detects all the imbalances in the brains activity in each moment, and gently brings them all into balance at the same time.
Therefore NeurOptimal neurofeedback trainers do not need to tell your brain what to do. Instead, the NeurOptimal neurofeedback system works with where your brain is moment by moment, while it naturally releases its own “points of stuckness” and creates richer access to all the frequencies it needs for optimal flow and function.
When you arrive for your session, you will be seated, and then sensors will be placed on your head to measure brain wave activity. The information is relayed to the client and trainer by sound and a visual display.
Then you will start your neurofeedback training.
As the patient, you simply sit and relax during the session; there is no need to “do” anything, nor any “effort” required. Your brainwave activity is fed into the computer system, where it is analyzed, and sent back to the individual through the music they are listening to. When the brain operates in healthy, balanced ranges, the music will flow smoothly. When the brain wave activity is erratic, there will be tiny pauses in the music.
The very precise timing of these pauses is what gives the brain the information it needs to reorganize itself. Sometimes the pauses are so quick you may not consciously notice them. You can just relax and let your brain do its job, which it will without any conscious effort on your part.
The session last 33 minutes. Then the sensors will be removed and you go about your day feeling calm and relaxed.
There is no hard-and-fast answer to this question. Every situation is unique, and every brain responds differently. It is similar to the gym analogy – we cannot say how many gym visits it will take a certain person to attain fitness and strength.
As a general guideline, though, most people come in once a week. Those who want to accelerate their results may come in two or three times a week. Visitors from out-of-town can do sessions daily, or even twice daily, in a more condensed period of time.
Typically we see between 10 and 20 sessions being average for significant change, although most people notice changes sooner than that. Some very deep-rooted issues may need up to 30 sessions.
Once the training effect is established, this new centered way of being becomes the new norm. Many people enjoy doing a monthly maintenance session, however there is no set requirement for that.
Dear Dr. Nicola,
I am writing this letter to you with regard to the Neurofeedback treatments you have been administering to my teenage daughter since early November. Prior to beginning treatments with you, my daughter was suffering from 9 out of 10 of the “Symptoms of a malfunctioning Central Nervous System” listed on your website. These symptoms were severely impacting the quality of her life. For the past year and a half she has had difficulty overcoming small challenges and has been easily overwhelmed. Memory problems and poor performance on tasks were making it difficult for her to succeed in school while depression and anxiety had a negative impact on her social life. In October of this year, my daughter expressed a desire to “feel at peace and was tired of hurting inside.” There are no words that can describe how a parent feels when you hear your child say those words. You were the first doctor I thought of when seeking treatment for her.
I am writing this letter to you 6 weeks after beginning your recommendation of amino acid therapy and 10 Neurofeedback therapy sessions and would like to tell you that I am absolutely amazed at the progress I have seen in her mental health. Lately she has had a spark in her eye and a consistent lift her in her mood. She is progressing well academically and as a junior in high school attended her first winter formal dance this past weekend. These changes have even been noticed by family and friends who are not aware of the treatments she has been receiving. They have simply just commented to her how “happy” she seems to be.
I write this to you with tears of happiness streaming down the key board about how thrilled I am with the treatments she has received so far. We are set to schedule an additional 10 treatments of Neurofeedback. If she has made this much progress after 10 treatments I can’t wait to see how much better she will feel after 20!
Many thanks to you and your staff for all the specialized and individual care you have provided us!
– H. W.
I started to see small changes in my mental abilities very quickly, after the first four or five sessions. I work with a computer and since the concussion I had to relearn all my passwords and how to use several of my day-to-day programs…The first positive change was that, suddenly, I was able to easily understand computer functions again and start doing things like backing up my data and using PayPal. I then simply felt like I ‘had my brain back’ again and my functioning really improved immensely.
– Pam, a woman with brain injury sustained after falling from a bicycle
Suffering from serious depression and several additional complaints for forty years, I have spent many hours over the years in talk therapy sessions…Therefore, when I learned about neurofeedback I was somewhat skeptical, thinking it was just another form of therapy. How wrong I was! My experience with (NeurOptimal®) was surprisingly very positive. Subtle changes started occurring after the first session. I noticed that I was definitely feeling more chipper health-wise. My daily intestinal distress had calmed down, and I no longer felt sick to my stomach all the time. Mentally, my level of anxiety dropped considerably so that I had more energy to get on with life, and enthusiasm for the small every day things. This path towards well-being continued to unfold throughout my fifteen sessions, and I find myself today able to cope with events in a more calm, less angst-ridden manner.
– 60-year-old woman who suffered from depression and anxiety
N.L. is a Lyme patient who has had horribly interrupted sleep for many months. After just a few sessions of neurofeedback, she was sleeping soundly for hours at a time. In fact, for the first couple of weeks, she was sleeping 12 hours a night. We figured her body had some catching up to do!!
E.P. is another Lyme patient who suffers from the debilitating cognitive effects of this disease. She has had upwards of 20 sessions, and she definitely notices a significant difference. She reports that she is more centered and balanced and better able to cope emotionally with all the repercussions of her illness. Her mother noticed that she had started drawing again, something she had not done since she became sick three years ago. She continues to have “tune-up” sessions every couple of weeks.

Contact Us today to get started. Call the office directly at (619) 546 4065 or reach us via email at info@restormedicine.com.